Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  HD7720  ·  HD7829  ·  HD8570  ·  LBN 630  ·  LDN 1316  ·  LDN 1317  ·  LDN 1323  ·  LDN 1324  ·  Sh2-187
Sh2-187, Massimo Di Fusco
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Sh2-187, Massimo Di Fusco
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The nebula photographed this time turned out to be more complicated than expected, both because it is very small and because it is located in an area full of dark nebulae that I struggle to get out of my sky. In the end, I managed to make this HaRGB composition that I hope you will like.

Sh2-187 is a diffuse nebula visible in the constellation Cassiopeia and is located approximately 1.5° north of the star δ Cassiopeiae (Ruchbah), one of the stars making up the "W" asterism characteristic of the constellation. This nebula is very small in size (about 10') and is located in a region obscured by several filaments of dark dust; Sh2-187 itself is divided into two sections by a transverse dark band.
It is an H II region located on the outer edge of the Orion Arm and visually appears to be surrounded by the dark nebula LDN 1317. The distance has been estimated through spectrophotometric studies to be approximately 4700 light years, through the observation of the stars exciting the gases of this and other surrounding clouds.
